C programming for beginners

 📝 Getting Started

C programming is fun! Before we start enjoying it, it would be interesting to find out what really is C, how it came into existence, and where is it used?    


C is a programming language developed at American Telephone and Telegraph Company's Bell Laboratories in 1972. It was designed and written by a man named Dennis Ritchie. Let us now see where the C language is used. 

(a) Major parts of popular operating systems like Windows, Unix, Linux, and Android are written in C.
(b) Mobile devices like Smartphones and Tablets work on C programming. 
(c) Three Dimensional computer games where the users navigate some objects, like say a spaceship, and fire bullets at the invaders are created using gaming frameworks like Direct X. These gaming frameworks are built using C language. 
(d) C language is also used to build programs that require to very closely interact with the hardware devices.

Work in progress 


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