Air Around Us

 Air Around Us 

All living things require air.  You might not have seen air, but, surely you must have felt its presence in so many ways. You notice it when the leaves of the trees rustle or the clothes hanging on a clothes-line sway. Pages of an open book begin fluttering when the fan is switched on. The moving air makes it possible for you to fly your kite. You may have noticed that during storms the wind blows at a very high speed. It may even uproot trees and blow off the rooftops.

Weather cock, it shows the direction in which the air is moving at that place.



Take an empty open bottle. Is it really empty or does it have something inside?
Now, dip the open mouth of the bottle into the bucket filled with water as shown in Fig. 

Does water enter the bottle? Now tilt the bottle slightly. Does the water now enter the bottle? Do you see bubbles coming out of the bottle or hear any bubbly sounds? Can you now guess what was in the bottle? 
Yes! You are right. It is “air”, that was present in the bottle. The bottle was not empty at all. In fact, it was filled completely with air even when you turned it upside down. That is why you notice that water does not enter the bottle when it is pushed in an inverted position, as there was no space for air to escape. When the bottle was tilted, the air was able to come out in the form of bubbles, and water filled up the empty space that the air has occupied.
This activity shows that air occupies space. It fills all the space in the bottle. It is present everywhere around us.


Our earth is surrounded by a thin layer of air. This layer extends up to many kilometres above the surface of the earth and is called atmosphere. As we move higher in the atmosphere, the air gets rarer. Now can you think, mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders with them, while climbing high mountains

Atmosphere 👉The envelope of air that surrounds the earth is known as atmosphere.

What is air made up of?

Until the eighteenth century, people thought that air was just one substance. Experiments have proved that it is really not so. Air is a mixture of many gases. 

Some of the major components of this mixture are:
  • Water Vapour  `H_2O (g)`
  • Oxygen  `O_2`
  • Carbon Dioxide `CO_2`
  • Nitrogen `N_2`
  • Dust & Smoke 

Work in progress..


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