Sample space `(S)`: The set of all possible outcomes
Sample points: Elements of sample space
Event `(E)`: A subset of the sample space `(E \subseteq S)`
Impossible event: The empty set ` (E = \phi)`
Sure event: The whole sample space ` (E = S)`
Complementary event or ‘not event’ : The set `A^{\prime} `or `(S – A) `
Event `A` or `B`: The set `A ∪ B`
Event `A` and `B`: The set `A ∩ B`
Event ` A` and not `B`: The set `A – B`
Mutually exclusive event: `A` and `B` are mutually exclusive if `A ∩ B = \phi`
Exhaustive and mutually exclusive events: Events `E_1 , E_2 ,..., E_n` are mutually exclusive and exhaustive if `E_1 ∪ E_2 ∪ ...∪ E_n = S` and `E_i ∩ E_j = \phi \forall i \ne j`